sabato 28 agosto 2010

ROMMEL'S ZIRKUS - the 21.Panzer Division in Normandy 1944

My first set of pictures is about the core of the 21.Panzer Division, the 195th Heer PanzergrenadierRegiment "Kampfgruppe Von Luck".
Being a huge fan of this particoular german panzer division, I've tried to represent it at my best (or, at keast, I hope so). This is the list of options I've included by far:

- 195th Heer PanzergrenadierRegiment "Kampfgruppe Von Luck"
Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie
1x Company HQ (full force)
2x Panzergrenadier Platoons (plus 8x U304(f) LeSpw transports)
1x U304(f) AA armoured platoon (with 2cm Flak38)

- 200.StuGAbteilung "Becker" and Supports
1x Command (sf) 39H 7,5cm (Major Becker)
2x (sf) 39H auf 7,5cm StuG
4x (sf) 39H auf 10,5cm StuG
6x Sd.Kfz.135 sGW auf 15cm Lorraine-Schlepper (SP Howitzers)
1x "Rack Mortar" Platoon (4x S307(f) auf 8cm Rihenwerfer)
1x Multiple Rocket Launcher Section (2x S307(f) auf R-Vielfachwerfer)
1x Armoured Anti-Tank Platoon (4x S307(f) auf 7,5cm PaK40)


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